Tuesday 29 January 2008

The video for CABIN FEVER by LEO ALTARELLI An animation is being made for this song at the moment. 1 musician, 1 animator, and The famous Terrific Tuesdays, 3 youth animators!
Session 6

We have setup the set with the trees we made at a workshop and the blue screen (We are setting up a blue screen so we can film a wood and put it on it the editing). We also have a brainstorm about what is going to be happen in the animation when we get round to it!!! We also made a short animation not related to the music video.

See you next time....bye

Monday 28 January 2008

so far...

  • Session 1, introduction to cabin fever , rough drawrings of inside and outside of set.
  • Session 2 , building the bed , clocks, table and chair. we also made a small non related animation.
  • Session 3, Theo and Leo made a un decorated cabin, we drew windows onto the cabin then glued bits of wood onto the cabin and had ideas for the roof.
  • Out of session Elliot and Jake made the roof by painting sand paper then cutting it into the shape of tiles and glueing it onto peices of paper.
  • Session 4 , we glued the pieces of paper with the sand paper tiles onto the roof of the cabin and we made windows with coloured lolly sticks.
  • Session 5, we finished the roof and finished the tree as-well as doing the forest floor. We still have more trees to do and have already started to make them as instructed by a model tree maker. We have started making the interior of the cabin and put a chimney on the roof.
Here is a link to a different blog with pics and info:http://www.myspace.com/cabinfeverthevideo

Tuesday 8 January 2008

Hi this blog is about one musician, one animator and three kids with a lot of enthusiasm!!! 

Our aim is to make an animated music video of Cabin Fever. 
So enjoy!!!!!